Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of REANA.
# Copyright (C) 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 CERN.
# REANA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the MIT License; see LICENSE file for more details.

"""Reana-Server workflow-functionality Flask-Blueprint."""
import os
import json
import logging
import traceback

import requests
from bravado.exception import HTTPError
from flask import Blueprint, Response
from flask import jsonify, request, stream_with_context
from jsonschema.exceptions import ValidationError

from reana_commons import workspace
from reana_commons.config import REANA_WORKFLOW_ENGINES
from reana_commons.errors import REANAQuotaExceededError, REANAValidationError
from reana_commons.validation.operational_options import validate_operational_options
from reana_commons.validation.utils import validate_workflow_name
from reana_commons.specification import load_reana_spec
from reana_db.database import Session
from reana_db.models import InteractiveSessionType, RunStatus
from reana_db.utils import _get_workflow_with_uuid_or_name
from webargs import fields, validate
from webargs.flaskparser import use_kwargs

from reana_server.api_client import current_rwc_api_client
from reana_server.config import REANA_HOSTNAME
from reana_server.decorators import check_quota, signin_required
from reana_server.deleter import Deleter, InOrOut
from reana_server.validation import (
from reana_server.utils import (

    from urllib import parse as urlparse
except ImportError:
    from urlparse import urlparse

blueprint = Blueprint("workflows", __name__)

[docs]@blueprint.route("/workflows", methods=["GET"]) @use_kwargs( { "page": fields.Int(validate=validate.Range(min=1)), "size": fields.Int(validate=validate.Range(min=1)), "include_progress": fields.Bool(location="query"), "include_workspace_size": fields.Bool(location="query"), "workflow_id_or_name": fields.Str(), } ) @signin_required(token_required=False) def get_workflows(user, **kwargs): # noqa r"""Get all current workflows in REANA. --- get: summary: Returns list of all current workflows in REANA. description: >- This resource return all current workflows in JSON format. operationId: get_workflows produces: - application/json parameters: - name: access_token in: query description: The API access_token of workflow owner. required: false type: string - name: type in: query description: Required. Type of workflows. required: true type: string - name: verbose in: query description: Optional flag to show more information. required: false type: boolean - name: search in: query description: Filter workflows by name. required: false type: string - name: sort in: query description: Sort workflows by creation date (asc, desc). required: false type: string - name: status in: query description: Filter workflows by list of statuses. required: false type: array items: type: string - name: page in: query description: Results page number (pagination). required: false type: integer - name: size in: query description: Number of results per page (pagination). required: false type: integer - name: include_progress in: query description: Include progress information of the workflows. type: boolean - name: include_workspace_size in: query description: Include size information of the workspace. type: boolean - name: workflow_id_or_name in: query description: Optional analysis UUID or name to filter. required: false type: string responses: 200: description: >- Request succeeded. The response contains the list of all workflows. schema: type: object properties: total: type: integer items: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string name: type: string status: type: string size: type: object properties: raw: type: integer human_readable: type: string user: type: string launcher_url: type: string x-nullable: true created: type: string session_status: type: string session_type: type: string session_uri: type: string progress: type: object properties: current_command: type: string x-nullable: true current_step_name: type: string x-nullable: true failed: properties: job_ids: items: type: string type: array total: type: integer type: object finished: properties: job_ids: items: type: string type: array total: type: integer type: object run_finished_at: type: string x-nullable: true run_started_at: type: string x-nullable: true run_stopped_at: type: string x-nullable: true running: properties: job_ids: items: type: string type: array total: type: integer type: object total: properties: job_ids: items: type: string type: array total: type: integer type: object examples: application/json: [ { "id": "256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1", "name": "mytest.1", "status": "running", "size":{ "raw": 10490000, "human_readable": "10 MB" }, "user": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "created": "2018-06-13T09:47:35.66097", }, { "id": "3c9b117c-d40a-49e3-a6de-5f89fcada5a3", "name": "mytest.2", "status": "finished", "size":{ "raw": 12580000, "human_readable": "12 MB" }, "user": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "created": "2018-06-13T09:47:35.66097", }, { "id": "72e3ee4f-9cd3-4dc7-906c-24511d9f5ee3", "name": "mytest.3", "status": "created", "size":{ "raw": 184320, "human_readable": "180 KB" }, "user": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "created": "2018-06-13T09:47:35.66097", }, { "id": "c4c0a1a6-beef-46c7-be04-bf4b3beca5a1", "name": "mytest.4", "status": "created", "size": { "raw": 1074000000, "human_readable": "1 GB" }, "user": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "created": "2018-06-13T09:47:35.66097", } ] 400: description: >- Request failed. The incoming payload seems malformed. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Your request contains not valid JSON." } 403: description: >- Request failed. User is not allowed to access workflow. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "User 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 is not allowed to access workflow 256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1" } 404: description: >- Request failed. User does not exist. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "User 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 does not exist." } 500: description: >- Request failed. Internal controller error. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Something went wrong." } """ try: type_ = request.args.get("type", "batch") search = request.args.get("search") sort = request.args.get("sort", "desc") status = request.args.getlist("status") verbose = json.loads(request.args.get("verbose", "false").lower()) response, http_response = current_rwc_api_client.api.get_workflows( user=str(user.id_), type=type_, search=search, sort=sort, status=status or None, verbose=bool(verbose), **kwargs, ).result() return jsonify(response), http_response.status_code except HTTPError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify(e.response.json()), e.response.status_code except json.JSONDecodeError: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": "Your request contains not valid JSON."}), 400 except ValueError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 403 except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 500
[docs]@blueprint.route("/workflows", methods=["POST"]) @signin_required(include_gitlab_login=True) def create_workflow(user): # noqa r"""Create a workflow. --- post: summary: Creates a new workflow based on a REANA specification file. description: >- This resource is expecting a REANA specification in JSON format with all the necessary information to instantiate a workflow. operationId: create_workflow consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: workflow_name in: query description: Name of the workflow to be created. If not provided name will be generated. required: true type: string # probably need to rename this to something more specific - name: spec in: query description: Remote repository which contains a valid REANA specification. required: false type: string - name: reana_specification in: body description: REANA specification with necessary data to instantiate a workflow. required: false schema: type: object - name: access_token in: query description: The API access_token of workflow owner. required: false type: string responses: 201: description: >- Request succeeded. The workflow has been created. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string workflow_id: type: string workflow_name: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "The workflow has been successfully created.", "workflow_id": "cdcf48b1-c2f3-4693-8230-b066e088c6ac", "workflow_name": "mytest.1" } 400: description: >- Request failed. The incoming payload seems malformed schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Workflow name cannot be a valid UUIDv4." } 403: description: >- Request failed. User is not allowed to access workflow. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "User 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 is not allowed to access workflow 256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1" } 404: description: >- Request failed. User does not exist. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "User 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 does not exist." } 500: description: >- Request failed. Internal controller error. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Internal controller error." } 501: description: >- Request failed. Not implemented. """ try: if request.args.get("spec"): return jsonify("Not implemented"), 501 if not request.is_json: raise Exception( "Either remote repository or REANA specification needs to be provided" ) request_from_gitlab = "object_kind" in request.json if request_from_gitlab: ( reana_spec_file, git_url, workflow_name, git_branch, git_commit_sha, ) = _get_reana_yaml_from_gitlab(request.json, user.id_) git_data = { "git_url": git_url, "git_branch": git_branch, "git_commit_sha": git_commit_sha, } else: git_data = {} reana_spec_file = request.json workflow_name = request.args.get("workflow_name", "") if user.has_exceeded_quota() and request_from_gitlab: message = f"User quota exceeded. Please check {REANA_HOSTNAME}" _fail_gitlab_commit_build_status(user, git_url, git_commit_sha, message) return jsonify({"message": "Gitlab webhook was processed"}), 200 elif user.has_exceeded_quota(): message = get_quota_excess_message(user) raise REANAQuotaExceededError(message) validate_workflow_name(workflow_name) if is_uuid_v4(workflow_name): return jsonify({"message": "Workflow name cannot be a valid UUIDv4."}), 400 workflow_engine = reana_spec_file["workflow"]["type"] if workflow_engine not in REANA_WORKFLOW_ENGINES: raise Exception("Unknown workflow type.") operational_options = validate_operational_options( workflow_engine, reana_spec_file.get("inputs", {}).get("options", {}) ) workspace_root_path = reana_spec_file.get("workspace", {}).get("root_path") validate_workspace_path(reana_spec_file) validate_inputs(reana_spec_file) retention_days = reana_spec_file.get("workspace", {}).get("retention_days") retention_rules = get_workspace_retention_rules(retention_days) workflow_dict = { "reana_specification": reana_spec_file, "workflow_name": workflow_name, "operational_options": operational_options, "retention_rules": retention_rules, } if git_data: workflow_dict["git_data"] = git_data response, http_response = current_rwc_api_client.api.create_workflow( workflow=workflow_dict, user=str(user.id_), workspace_root_path=workspace_root_path, ).result() if git_data: workflow = _get_workflow_with_uuid_or_name( response["workflow_id"], str(user.id_) ) # This is necessary for GitLab integration if workflow.type_ == "yadage": _load_and_save_yadage_spec( workflow, workflow_dict["operational_options"] ) elif workflow.type_ in ["cwl", "snakemake"]: reana_yaml_path = os.path.join(workflow.workspace_path, "reana.yaml") workflow.reana_specification = load_reana_spec( reana_yaml_path, workflow.workspace_path ) Session.commit() parameters = request.json publish_workflow_submission(workflow, user.id_, parameters) return jsonify(response), http_response.status_code except HTTPError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify(e.response.json()), e.response.status_code except REANAQuotaExceededError as e: return jsonify({"message": e.message}), 403 except (KeyError, REANAValidationError) as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 400 except ValueError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 403 except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 500
[docs]@blueprint.route("/workflows/<workflow_id_or_name>/specification", methods=["GET"]) @signin_required() def get_workflow_specification(workflow_id_or_name, user): # noqa r"""Get workflow specification. --- get: summary: Get the specification used for this workflow run. description: >- This resource returns the REANA workflow specification used to start the workflow run. Resource is expecting a workflow UUID. operationId: get_workflow_specification produces: - application/json parameters: - name: access_token in: query description: API access_token of workflow owner. required: false type: string - name: workflow_id_or_name in: path description: Required. Analysis UUID or name. required: true type: string responses: 200: description: >- Request succeeded. Workflow specification is returned. schema: type: object properties: parameters: type: object specification: type: object properties: inputs: type: object properties: files: type: array items: type: string directories: type: array items: type: string parameters: type: object options: type: object outputs: type: object properties: files: type: array items: type: string directories: type: array items: type: string version: type: string workflow: type: object properties: specification: type: object x-nullable: true properties: steps: type: array items: type: object type: type: string file: type: string examples: application/json: { "parameters": {}, "specification": { "inputs": { "files": [ "code/", "data/names.txt" ], "parameters": { "helloworld": "code/", "inputfile": "data/names.txt", "outputfile": "results/greetings.txt", "sleeptime": 0 } }, "outputs": { "files": [ "results/greetings.txt" ] }, "version": "0.3.0", "workflow": { "specification": { "steps": [ { "commands": [ "python \"${helloworld}\" --inputfile \"${inputfile}\" --outputfile \"${outputfile}\" --sleeptime ${sleeptime}" ], "environment": "python:2.7-slim" } ] }, "type": "serial" } } } 403: description: >- Request failed. User is not allowed to access workflow. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "User 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 is not allowed to access workflow 256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1" } 404: description: >- Request failed. User does not exist. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Workflow cdcf48b1-c2f3-4693-8230-b066e088c6ac does not exist" } 500: description: >- Request failed. Internal controller error. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Internal controller error." } """ try: if not workflow_id_or_name: raise ValueError("workflow_id_or_name is not supplied") workflow = _get_workflow_with_uuid_or_name(workflow_id_or_name, str(user.id_)) return ( jsonify( { "specification": workflow.reana_specification, "parameters": workflow.input_parameters, } ), 200, ) except HTTPError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify(e.response.json()), e.response.status_code except ValueError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 403 except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 500
[docs]@blueprint.route("/workflows/<workflow_id_or_name>/logs", methods=["GET"]) @use_kwargs( { "page": fields.Int(validate=validate.Range(min=1)), "size": fields.Int(validate=validate.Range(min=1)), } ) @signin_required() def get_workflow_logs(workflow_id_or_name, user, **kwargs): # noqa r"""Get workflow logs. --- get: summary: Get workflow logs of a workflow. description: >- This resource reports the status of a workflow. Resource is expecting a workflow UUID. operationId: get_workflow_logs produces: - application/json parameters: - name: access_token in: query description: API access_token of workflow owner. required: false type: string - name: workflow_id_or_name in: path description: Required. Analysis UUID or name. required: true type: string - name: steps in: body description: Steps of a workflow. required: false schema: type: array description: List of step names to get logs for. items: type: string description: step name. - name: page in: query description: Results page number (pagination). required: false type: integer - name: size in: query description: Number of results per page (pagination). required: false type: integer responses: 200: description: >- Request succeeded. Info about a workflow, including the status is returned. schema: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string workflow_name: type: string logs: type: string user: type: string examples: application/json: { "workflow_id": "256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1", "workflow_name": "mytest.1", "logs": "<Workflow engine log output>", "user": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" } 400: description: >- Request failed. The incoming data specification seems malformed. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Malformed request." } 403: description: >- Request failed. User is not allowed to access workflow. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "User 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 is not allowed to access workflow 256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1" } 404: description: >- Request failed. User does not exist. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Workflow cdcf48b1-c2f3-4693-8230-b066e088c6ac does not exist" } 500: description: >- Request failed. Internal controller error. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Internal controller error." } """ try: steps = request.json if request.is_json else None if not workflow_id_or_name: raise ValueError("workflow_id_or_name is not supplied") response, http_response = current_rwc_api_client.api.get_workflow_logs( user=str(user.id_), steps=steps or None, workflow_id_or_name=workflow_id_or_name, **kwargs, ).result() return jsonify(response), http_response.status_code except HTTPError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify(e.response.json()), e.response.status_code except ValueError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 403 except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 500
[docs]@blueprint.route("/workflows/<workflow_id_or_name>/status", methods=["GET"]) @signin_required() def get_workflow_status(workflow_id_or_name, user): # noqa r"""Get workflow status. --- get: summary: Get status of a workflow. description: >- This resource reports the status of a workflow. Resource is expecting a workflow UUID. operationId: get_workflow_status produces: - application/json parameters: - name: workflow_id_or_name in: path description: Required. Analysis UUID or name. required: true type: string - name: access_token in: query description: The API access_token of workflow owner. required: false type: string responses: 200: description: >- Request succeeded. Info about a workflow, including the status is returned. schema: type: object properties: id: type: string name: type: string created: type: string status: type: string user: type: string progress: type: object properties: run_started_at: type: string x-nullable: true run_finished_at: type: string x-nullable: true run_stopped_at: type: string x-nullable: true total: type: object properties: total: type: integer job_ids: type: array items: type: string running: type: object properties: total: type: integer job_ids: type: array items: type: string finished: type: object properties: total: type: integer job_ids: type: array items: type: string failed: type: object properties: total: type: integer job_ids: type: array items: type: string current_command: type: string x-nullable: true current_step_name: type: string x-nullable: true logs: type: string examples: application/json: { "created": "2018-10-29T12:50:12", "id": "4e576cf9-a946-4346-9cde-7712f8dcbb3f", "logs": "", "name": "mytest.1", "progress": { "current_command": None, "current_step_name": None, "failed": {"job_ids": [], "total": 0}, "finished": {"job_ids": [], "total": 0}, "run_started_at": "2018-10-29T12:51:04", "running": {"job_ids": [], "total": 0}, "total": {"job_ids": [], "total": 1} }, "status": "running", "user": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" } 400: description: >- Request failed. The incoming payload seems malformed. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Malformed request." } 403: description: >- Request failed. User is not allowed to access workflow. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "User 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 is not allowed to access workflow 256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1" } 404: description: >- Request failed. Either User or Analysis does not exist. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Analysis 256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1 does not exist." } 500: description: >- Request failed. Internal controller error. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Internal controller error." } """ try: if not workflow_id_or_name: raise ValueError("workflow_id_or_name is not supplied") response, http_response = current_rwc_api_client.api.get_workflow_status( user=str(user.id_), workflow_id_or_name=workflow_id_or_name ).result() return jsonify(response), http_response.status_code except HTTPError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify(e.response.json()), e.response.status_code except ValueError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 403 except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 500
[docs]@blueprint.route("/workflows/<workflow_id_or_name>/start", methods=["POST"]) @signin_required() @check_quota def start_workflow(workflow_id_or_name, user): # noqa r"""Start workflow. --- post: summary: Start workflow. description: >- This resource starts the workflow execution process. Resource is expecting a workflow UUID. operationId: start_workflow consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: workflow_id_or_name in: path description: Required. Analysis UUID or name. required: true type: string - name: access_token in: query description: The API access_token of workflow owner. required: false type: string - name: parameters in: body description: >- Optional. Additional input parameters and operational options. required: false schema: type: object properties: operational_options: type: object reana_specification: type: object input_parameters: type: object restart: type: boolean responses: 200: description: >- Request succeeded. Info about a workflow, including the execution status is returned. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string workflow_id: type: string workflow_name: type: string status: type: string user: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Workflow submitted", "id": "256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1", "workflow_name": "mytest.1", "status": "queued", "user": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" } 400: description: >- Request failed. The incoming payload seems malformed. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Malformed request." } 403: description: >- Request failed. User is not allowed to access workflow. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "User 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 is not allowed to access workflow 256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1" } 404: description: >- Request failed. Either User or Workflow does not exist. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Workflow 256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1 does not exist" } 409: description: >- Request failed. The workflow could not be started due to a conflict. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Workflow 256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1 could not be started because it is already running." } 500: description: >- Request failed. Internal controller error. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Internal controller error." } 501: description: >- Request failed. The specified status change is not implemented. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Status resume is not supported yet." } """ try: if not workflow_id_or_name: raise ValueError("workflow_id_or_name is not supplied") parameters = request.json if request.is_json else {} workflow = _get_workflow_with_uuid_or_name(workflow_id_or_name, str(user.id_)) operational_options = parameters.get("operational_options", {}) operational_options = validate_operational_options( workflow.type_, operational_options ) restart_type = None if "restart" in parameters: if workflow.status not in [RunStatus.finished, RunStatus.failed]: raise ValueError("Only finished or failed workflows can be restarted.") if workflow.workspace_has_pending_retention_rules(): raise ValueError( "The workflow cannot be restarted because some retention rules are " "currently being applied to the workspace. Please retry later." ) restart_type = ( parameters.get("reana_specification", {}) .get("workflow", {}) .get("type", None) ) workflow = clone_workflow( workflow, parameters.get("reana_specification", None), restart_type ) elif workflow.status != RunStatus.created: raise ValueError( "Workflow {} is already {} and cannot be started " "again.".format(workflow.get_full_workflow_name(), ) if "yadage" in (workflow.type_, restart_type): _load_and_save_yadage_spec(workflow, operational_options) input_parameters = parameters.get("input_parameters", {}) validate_workflow( workflow.reana_specification, input_parameters=input_parameters ) publish_workflow_submission(workflow, user.id_, parameters) response = { "message": "Workflow submitted.", "workflow_id": workflow.id_, "workflow_name":, "status":, "run_number": workflow.run_number, "user": str(user.id_), } return jsonify(response), 200 except HTTPError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify(e.response.json()), e.response.status_code except (REANAValidationError, ValidationError) as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 400 except ValueError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 403 except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 500
[docs]@blueprint.route("/workflows/<workflow_id_or_name>/status", methods=["PUT"]) @signin_required() def set_workflow_status(workflow_id_or_name, user): # noqa r"""Set workflow status. --- put: summary: Set status of a workflow. description: >- This resource reports the status of a workflow. Resource is expecting a workflow UUID. operationId: set_workflow_status consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: workflow_id_or_name in: path description: Required. Analysis UUID or name. required: true type: string - name: status in: query description: Required. New workflow status. required: true type: string - name: access_token in: query description: The API access_token of workflow owner. required: false type: string - name: parameters in: body description: >- Optional. Additional input parameters and operational options. required: false schema: type: object properties: CACHE: type: string all_runs: type: boolean workspace: type: boolean responses: 200: description: >- Request succeeded. Info about a workflow, including the status is returned. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string workflow_id: type: string workflow_name: type: string status: type: string user: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Workflow successfully launched", "id": "256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1", "workflow_name": "mytest.1", "status": "created", "user": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" } 400: description: >- Request failed. The incoming payload seems malformed. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Malformed request." } 403: description: >- Request failed. User is not allowed to access workflow. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "User 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 is not allowed to access workflow 256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1" } 404: description: >- Request failed. Either User or Workflow does not exist. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Workflow 256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1 does not exist" } 409: description: >- Request failed. The workflow could not be started due to a conflict. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Workflow 256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1 could not be started because it is already running." } 500: description: >- Request failed. Internal controller error. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Internal controller error." } 501: description: >- Request failed. The specified status change is not implemented. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Status resume is not supported yet." } """ try: if not workflow_id_or_name: raise ValueError("workflow_id_or_name is not supplied") status = request.args.get("status") parameters = request.json if request.is_json else None response, http_response = current_rwc_api_client.api.set_workflow_status( user=str(user.id_), workflow_id_or_name=workflow_id_or_name, status=status, parameters=parameters, ).result() return jsonify(response), http_response.status_code except HTTPError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify(e.response.json()), e.response.status_code except ValueError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 403 except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 500
[docs]@blueprint.route("/workflows/<workflow_id_or_name>/workspace", methods=["POST"]) @signin_required() @check_quota def upload_file(workflow_id_or_name, user): # noqa r"""Upload file to workspace. --- post: summary: Adds a file to the workspace. description: >- This resource is expecting a file to place in the workspace. operationId: upload_file consumes: - application/octet-stream produces: - application/json parameters: - name: workflow_id_or_name in: path description: Required. Analysis UUID or name. required: true type: string - name: file in: body description: Required. File to add to the workspace. required: true schema: type: string - name: file_name in: query description: Required. File name. required: true type: string - name: access_token in: query description: The API access_token of workflow owner. required: false type: string - name: preview in: query description: >- Optional flag to return a previewable response of the file (corresponding mime-type). required: false type: boolean responses: 200: description: >- Request succeeded. File successfully transferred. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string 400: description: >- Request failed. The incoming payload seems malformed schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "No file_name provided" } 403: description: >- Request failed. User is not allowed to access workflow. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "User 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 is not allowed to access workflow 256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1" } 404: description: >- Request failed. User does not exist. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Workflow cdcf48b1-c2f3-4693-8230-b066e088c6ac does not exist" } 500: description: >- Request failed. Internal server error. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Internal server error." } """ try: filename = request.args.get("file_name") if not filename: return jsonify({"message": "No file_name provided"}), 400 if not ("application/octet-stream" in request.headers.get("Content-Type")): return ( jsonify( { "message": f"Wrong Content-Type " f'{request.headers.get("Content-Type")} ' f"use application/octet-stream" } ), 400, ) if not workflow_id_or_name: raise ValueError("workflow_id_or_name is not supplied") prevent_disk_quota_excess( user, request.content_length, action=f"Uploading file {filename}" ) api_url = current_rwc_api_client.swagger_spec.__dict__.get("api_url") endpoint = current_rwc_api_client.api.upload_file.operation.path_name.format( workflow_id_or_name=workflow_id_or_name ) http_response = urlparse.urljoin(api_url, endpoint), data=RequestStreamWithLen(, params={"user": str(user.id_), "file_name": request.args.get("file_name")}, headers={"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream"}, ) return jsonify(http_response.json()), http_response.status_code except HTTPError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify(e.response.json()), e.response.status_code except KeyError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 400 except (REANAQuotaExceededError, ValueError) as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 403 except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 500
[docs]@blueprint.route( "/workflows/<workflow_id_or_name>/workspace/<path:file_name>", methods=["GET"] ) @signin_required() def download_file(workflow_id_or_name, file_name, user): # noqa r"""Download a file from the workspace. --- get: summary: Returns the requested file. description: >- This resource is expecting a workflow UUID and a file name existing inside the workspace to return its content. operationId: download_file produces: - application/octet-stream - application/json - application/zip - image/* - text/html parameters: - name: workflow_id_or_name in: path description: Required. workflow UUID or name. required: true type: string - name: file_name in: path description: Required. Name (or path) of the file to be downloaded. required: true type: string - name: access_token in: query description: The API access_token of workflow owner. required: false type: string responses: 200: description: >- Requests succeeded. The file has been downloaded. schema: type: file headers: Content-Disposition: type: string Content-Type: type: string 400: description: >- Request failed. The incoming payload seems malformed. 403: description: >- Request failed. User is not allowed to access workflow. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "User 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 is not allowed to access workflow 256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1" } 404: description: >- Request failed. `file_name` does not exist . schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "input.csv does not exist" } 500: description: >- Request failed. Internal server error. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Internal server error." } """ try: if not workflow_id_or_name: raise ValueError("workflow_id_or_name is not supplied") preview = request.args.get("preview", False) or False api_url = current_rwc_api_client.swagger_spec.__dict__.get("api_url") endpoint = current_rwc_api_client.api.download_file.operation.path_name.format( workflow_id_or_name=workflow_id_or_name, file_name=file_name ) req = requests.get( urlparse.urljoin(api_url, endpoint), params={"preview": preview, "user": str(user.id_)}, stream=True, ) response = Response( stream_with_context(req.iter_content(chunk_size=1024)), content_type=req.headers["Content-Type"], ) if req.headers.get("Content-Disposition"): response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = req.headers.get( "Content-Disposition" ) return response, req.status_code except HTTPError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify(e.response.json()), e.response.status_code except ValueError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 403 except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 500
[docs]@blueprint.route( "/workflows/<workflow_id_or_name>/workspace/<path:file_name>", methods=["DELETE"] ) @signin_required() def delete_file(workflow_id_or_name, file_name, user): # noqa r"""Delete a file from the workspace. --- delete: summary: Delete the specified file. description: >- This resource is expecting a workflow UUID and a filename existing inside the workspace to be deleted. operationId: delete_file produces: - application/json parameters: - name: workflow_id_or_name in: path description: Required. Workflow UUID or name required: true type: string - name: file_name in: path description: Required. Name (or path) of the file to be deleted. required: true type: string - name: access_token in: query description: The API access_token of workflow owner. required: false type: string responses: 200: description: >- Request succeeded. Details about deleted files and failed deletions are returned. schema: type: object properties: deleted: type: object additionalProperties: type: object properties: size: type: integer failed: type: object additionalProperties: type: object properties: error: type: string 403: description: >- Request failed. User is not allowed to access workflow. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "User 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 is not allowed to access workflow 256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1" } 404: description: >- Request failed. `file_name` does not exist. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "input.csv does not exist" } 500: description: >- Request failed. Internal server error. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Internal server error." } """ try: if not workflow_id_or_name: raise ValueError("workflow_id_or_name is not supplied") response, http_response = current_rwc_api_client.api.delete_file( user=str(user.id_), workflow_id_or_name=workflow_id_or_name, file_name=file_name, ).result() return jsonify(http_response.json()), http_response.status_code except HTTPError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify(e.response.json()), e.response.status_code except ValueError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 403 except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 500
[docs]@blueprint.route("/workflows/<workflow_id_or_name>/workspace", methods=["GET"]) @use_kwargs( { "file_name": fields.String(), "page": fields.Int(validate=validate.Range(min=1)), "size": fields.Int(validate=validate.Range(min=1)), "search": fields.String(), } ) @signin_required() def get_files(workflow_id_or_name, user, **kwargs): # noqa r"""List all files contained in a workspace. --- get: summary: Returns the workspace file list. description: >- This resource retrieves the file list of a workspace, given its workflow UUID. operationId: get_files produces: - application/json parameters: - name: workflow_id_or_name in: path description: Required. Analysis UUID or name. required: true type: string - name: access_token in: query description: The API access_token of workflow owner. required: false type: string - name: file_name in: query description: File name(s) (glob) to list. required: false type: string - name: page in: query description: Results page number (pagination). required: false type: integer - name: size in: query description: Number of results per page (pagination). required: false type: integer - name: search in: query description: Filter workflow workspace files. required: false type: string responses: 200: description: >- Requests succeeded. The list of files has been retrieved. schema: type: object properties: total: type: integer items: type: array items: type: object properties: name: type: string last-modified: type: string size: type: object properties: raw: type: integer human_readable: type: string 400: description: >- Request failed. The incoming payload seems malformed. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Field 'size': Must be at least 1." } 403: description: >- Request failed. User is not allowed to access workflow. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "User 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 is not allowed to access workflow 256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1" } 404: description: >- Request failed. Analysis does not exist. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Analysis 256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1 does not exist." } 500: description: >- Request failed. Internal server error. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Internal server error." } """ try: if not workflow_id_or_name: raise ValueError("workflow_id_or_name is not supplied") response, http_response = current_rwc_api_client.api.get_files( user=str(user.id_), workflow_id_or_name=workflow_id_or_name, **kwargs, ).result() return jsonify(http_response.json()), http_response.status_code except HTTPError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify(e.response.json()), e.response.status_code except ValueError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 403 except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 500
[docs]@blueprint.route("/workflows/<workflow_id_or_name>/parameters", methods=["GET"]) @signin_required() def get_workflow_parameters(workflow_id_or_name, user): # noqa r"""Get workflow input parameters. --- get: summary: Get parameters of a workflow. description: >- This resource reports the input parameters of a workflow. Resource is expecting a workflow UUID. operationId: get_workflow_parameters produces: - application/json parameters: - name: workflow_id_or_name in: path description: Required. Analysis UUID or name. required: true type: string - name: access_token in: query description: The API access_token of workflow owner. required: false type: string responses: 200: description: >- Request succeeded. Workflow input parameters, including the status are returned. schema: type: object properties: id: type: string name: type: string type: type: string parameters: type: object minProperties: 0 examples: application/json: { 'id': 'dd4e93cf-e6d0-4714-a601-301ed97eec60', 'name': 'workflow.24', 'type': 'serial', 'parameters': {'helloworld': 'code/', 'inputfile': 'data/names.txt', 'outputfile': 'results/greetings.txt', 'sleeptime': 2} } 400: description: >- Request failed. The incoming payload seems malformed. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Malformed request." } 403: description: >- Request failed. User is not allowed to access workflow. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "User 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 is not allowed to access workflow 256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1" } 404: description: >- Request failed. Either User or Analysis does not exist. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Analysis 256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1 does not exist." } 500: description: >- Request failed. Internal controller error. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Internal controller error." } """ try: if not workflow_id_or_name: raise ValueError("workflow_id_or_name is not supplied") response, http_response = current_rwc_api_client.api.get_workflow_parameters( user=str(user.id_), workflow_id_or_name=workflow_id_or_name ).result() return jsonify(response), http_response.status_code except HTTPError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify(e.response.json()), e.response.status_code except ValueError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 403 except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 500
[docs]@blueprint.route( "/workflows/<workflow_id_or_name_a>/diff/" "<workflow_id_or_name_b>", methods=["GET"], ) @signin_required() def get_workflow_diff(workflow_id_or_name_a, workflow_id_or_name_b, user): # noqa r"""Get differences between two workflows. --- get: summary: Get diff between two workflows. description: >- This resource shows the differences between the assets of two workflows. Resource is expecting two workflow UUIDs or names. operationId: get_workflow_diff produces: - application/json parameters: - name: workflow_id_or_name_a in: path description: Required. Analysis UUID or name of the first workflow. required: true type: string - name: workflow_id_or_name_b in: path description: Required. Analysis UUID or name of the second workflow. required: true type: string - name: brief in: query description: Optional flag. If set, file contents are examined. required: false type: boolean default: false - name: context_lines in: query description: Optional parameter. Sets number of context lines for workspace diff output. required: false type: string default: '5' - name: access_token in: query description: The API access_token of workflow owner. required: false type: string responses: 200: description: >- Request succeeded. Info about a workflow, including the status is returned. schema: type: object properties: reana_specification: type: string workspace_listing: type: string examples: application/json: { "reana_specification": ["- nevents: 100000\n+ nevents: 200000"], "workspace_listing": {"Only in workspace a: code"} } 400: description: >- Request failed. The incoming payload seems malformed. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Malformed request." } 403: description: >- Request failed. User is not allowed to access workflow. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "User 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 is not allowed to access workflow 256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1" } 404: description: >- Request failed. Either user or workflow does not exist. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Workflow 256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1 does not exist." } 500: description: >- Request failed. Internal controller error. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Internal controller error." } """ try: brief = json.loads(request.args.get("brief", "false").lower()) context_lines = request.args.get("context_lines", 5) if not workflow_id_or_name_a or not workflow_id_or_name_b: raise ValueError("Workflow id or name is not supplied") response, http_response = current_rwc_api_client.api.get_workflow_diff( user=str(user.id_), brief=brief, context_lines=context_lines, workflow_id_or_name_a=workflow_id_or_name_a, workflow_id_or_name_b=workflow_id_or_name_b, ).result() return jsonify(response), http_response.status_code except HTTPError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify(e.response.json()), e.response.status_code except json.JSONDecodeError: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": "Your request contains not valid JSON."}), 400 except ValueError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 403 except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 500
[docs]@blueprint.route( "/workflows/<workflow_id_or_name>/open/" "<interactive_session_type>", methods=["POST"], ) @signin_required() @check_quota def open_interactive_session( workflow_id_or_name, interactive_session_type, user ): # noqa r"""Start an interactive session inside the workflow workspace. --- post: summary: Start an interactive session inside the workflow workspace. description: >- This resource is expecting a workflow to start an interactive session within its workspace. operationId: open_interactive_session consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: workflow_id_or_name in: path description: Required. Workflow UUID or name. required: true type: string - name: access_token in: query description: The API access_token of workflow owner. required: false type: string - name: interactive_session_type in: path description: Type of interactive session to use. required: true type: string - name: interactive_session_configuration in: body description: >- Interactive session configuration. required: false schema: type: object properties: image: type: string description: >- Replaces the default Docker image of an interactive session. responses: 200: description: >- Request succeeded. The interactive session has been opened. schema: type: object properties: path: type: string examples: application/json: { "path": "/dd4e93cf-e6d0-4714-a601-301ed97eec60", } 400: description: >- Request failed. The incoming payload seems malformed. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Malformed request." } 403: description: >- Request failed. User is not allowed to access workflow. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "User 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 is not allowed to access workflow 256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1" } 404: description: >- Request failed. Either user or workflow does not exist. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Interactive session type jupiter not found, try with one of: [jupyter]." } 500: description: >- Request failed. Internal controller error. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Internal controller error." } """ try: if interactive_session_type not in InteractiveSessionType.__members__: return ( jsonify( { "message": "Interactive session type {0} not found, try " "with one of: {1}".format( interactive_session_type, [ for e in InteractiveSessionType], ) } ), 404, ) if not workflow_id_or_name: raise KeyError("workflow_id_or_name is not supplied") response, http_response = current_rwc_api_client.api.open_interactive_session( user=str(user.id_), workflow_id_or_name=workflow_id_or_name, interactive_session_type=interactive_session_type, interactive_session_configuration=request.json if request.is_json else None, ).result() return jsonify(response), http_response.status_code except HTTPError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify(e.response.json()), e.response.status_code except KeyError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 400 except ValueError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 403 except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 500
[docs]@blueprint.route("/workflows/<workflow_id_or_name>/close/", methods=["POST"]) @signin_required() def close_interactive_session(workflow_id_or_name, user): # noqa r"""Close an interactive workflow session. --- post: summary: Close an interactive workflow session. description: >- This resource is expecting a workflow to close an interactive session within its workspace. operationId: close_interactive_session consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: workflow_id_or_name in: path description: Required. Workflow UUID or name. required: true type: string - name: access_token in: query description: The API access_token of workflow owner. required: false type: string responses: 200: description: >- Request succeeded. The interactive session has been closed. schema: type: object properties: path: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "The interactive session has been closed", } 400: description: >- Request failed. The incoming payload seems malformed. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Malformed request." } 403: description: >- Request failed. User is not allowed to access workflow. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "User 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 is not allowed to access workflow 256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1" } 404: description: >- Request failed. Either user or workflow does not exist. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Either user or workflow does not exist." } 500: description: >- Request failed. Internal controller error. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Internal controller error." } """ try: if not workflow_id_or_name: raise KeyError("workflow_id_or_name is not supplied") response, http_response = current_rwc_api_client.api.close_interactive_session( user=str(user.id_), workflow_id_or_name=workflow_id_or_name ).result() return jsonify(response), http_response.status_code except HTTPError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify(e.response.json()), e.response.status_code except KeyError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 400 except ValueError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 403 except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 500
[docs]@blueprint.route("/workflows/move_files/<workflow_id_or_name>", methods=["PUT"]) @signin_required() def move_files(workflow_id_or_name, user): # noqa r"""Move files within workspace. --- put: summary: Move files within workspace. description: >- This resource moves files within the workspace. Resource is expecting a workflow UUID. operationId: move_files consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: workflow_id_or_name in: path description: Required. Analysis UUID or name. required: true type: string - name: source in: query description: Required. Source file(s). required: true type: string - name: target in: query description: Required. Target file(s). required: true type: string - name: access_token in: query description: The API access_token of workflow owner. required: false type: string responses: 200: description: >- Request succeeded. Message about successfully moved files is returned. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string workflow_id: type: string workflow_name: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Files were successfully moved", "workflow_id": "256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1", "workflow_name": "mytest.1", } 400: description: >- Request failed. The incoming payload seems malformed. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Malformed request." } 403: description: >- Request failed. User is not allowed to access workflow. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "User 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 is not allowed to access workflow 256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1" } 404: description: >- Request failed. Either User or Workflow does not exist. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Workflow 256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1 does not exist" } 409: description: >- Request failed. The files could not be moved due to a conflict. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Path folder/ does not exist" } 500: description: >- Request failed. Internal controller error. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Internal controller error." } """ try: if not workflow_id_or_name: raise ValueError("workflow_id_or_name is not supplied") source = request.args.get("source") target = request.args.get("target") response, http_response = current_rwc_api_client.api.move_files( user=str(user.id_), workflow_id_or_name=workflow_id_or_name, source=source, target=target, ).result() return jsonify(response), http_response.status_code except HTTPError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify(e.response.json()), e.response.status_code except ValueError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 403 except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 500
[docs]@blueprint.route("/workflows/<workflow_id_or_name>/disk_usage", methods=["GET"]) @signin_required() def get_workflow_disk_usage(workflow_id_or_name, user): # noqa r"""Get workflow disk usage. --- get: summary: Get disk usage of a workflow. description: >- This resource reports the disk usage of a workflow. Resource is expecting a workflow UUID and some parameters . operationId: get_workflow_disk_usage produces: - application/json parameters: - name: access_token in: query description: The API access_token of workflow owner. required: false type: string - name: workflow_id_or_name in: path description: Required. Analysis UUID or name. required: true type: string - name: parameters in: body description: >- Optional. Additional input parameters and operational options. required: false schema: type: object properties: summarize: type: boolean search: type: string responses: 200: description: >- Request succeeded. Info about the disk usage is returned. schema: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string workflow_name: type: string user: type: string disk_usage_info: type: array items: type: object properties: name: type: string size: type: object properties: raw: type: integer human_readable: type: string examples: application/json: { "workflow_id": "256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1", "workflow_name": "mytest.1", "disk_usage_info": [{'name': 'file1.txt', 'size': { 'raw': 12580000, 'human_readable': '12 MB' } }, {'name': 'plot.png', 'size': { 'raw': 184320, 'human_readable': '100 KB' } }] } 400: description: >- Request failed. The incoming data specification seems malformed. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Malformed request." } 403: description: >- Request failed. User is not allowed to access workflow. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "User 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 is not allowed to access workflow 256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1" } 404: description: >- Request failed. User does not exist. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Workflow cdcf48b1-c2f3-4693-8230-b066e088c6ac does not exist" } 500: description: >- Request failed. Internal controller error. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Internal controller error." } """ try: parameters = request.json if request.is_json else {} if not workflow_id_or_name: raise ValueError("workflow_id_or_name is not supplied") workflow = _get_workflow_with_uuid_or_name(workflow_id_or_name, str(user.id_)) summarize = bool(parameters.get("summarize", False)) search = parameters.get("search", None) disk_usage_info = workflow.get_workspace_disk_usage( summarize=summarize, search=search ) response = { "workflow_id": workflow.id_, "workflow_name":, "user": str(user.id_), "disk_usage_info": disk_usage_info, } return jsonify(response), 200 except HTTPError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify(e.response.json()), e.response.status_code except ValueError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 403 except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 500
[docs]@blueprint.route("/workflows/<workflow_id_or_name>/retention_rules") @signin_required() def get_workflow_retention_rules(workflow_id_or_name, user): r"""Get the retention rules of a workflow. --- get: summary: Get the retention rules of a workflow. description: >- This resource returns all the retention rules of a given workflow. operationId: get_workflow_retention_rules produces: - application/json parameters: - name: access_token in: query description: The API access_token of workflow owner. required: false type: string - name: workflow_id_or_name in: path description: Required. Analysis UUID or name. required: true type: string responses: 200: description: >- Request succeeded. The response contains the list of all the retention rules. schema: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string workflow_name: type: string retention_rules: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string workspace_files: type: string retention_days: type: integer apply_on: type: string x-nullable: true status: type: string examples: application/json: { "workflow_id": "256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1", "workflow_name": "mytest.1", "retention_rules": [ { "id": "851da5cf-0b26-40c5-97a1-9acdbb35aac7", "workspace_files": "**/*.tmp", "retention_days": 1, "apply_on": "2022-11-24T23:59:59", "status": "active" } ] } 401: description: >- Request failed. User not signed in. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "User not signed in." } 403: description: >- Request failed. Credentials are invalid or revoked. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Token not valid." } 404: description: >- Request failed. Workflow does not exist. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Workflow mytest.1 does not exist." } 500: description: >- Request failed. Internal server error. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Something went wrong." } """ try: ( response, http_response, ) = current_rwc_api_client.api.get_workflow_retention_rules( user=str(user.id_), workflow_id_or_name=workflow_id_or_name, ).result() return jsonify(response), http_response.status_code except HTTPError as e: logging.exception(str(e)) return jsonify(e.response.json()), e.response.status_code except Exception as e: logging.exception(str(e)) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 500
[docs]@blueprint.route("/workflows/<workflow_id_or_name>/prune", methods=["POST"]) @use_kwargs( { "include_inputs": fields.Boolean(), "include_outputs": fields.Boolean(), } ) @signin_required() def prune_workspace( workflow_id_or_name, user, include_inputs=False, include_outputs=False ): r"""Prune workspace files. --- post: summary: Prune the workspace's files. description: >- This resource deletes the workspace's files that are neither in the input nor in the output of the workflow definition. This resource is expecting a workflow UUID and some parameters. operationId: prune_workspace produces: - application/json parameters: - name: access_token in: query description: The API access_token of workflow owner. required: false type: string - name: workflow_id_or_name in: path description: Required. Analysis UUID or name. required: true type: string - name: include_inputs in: query description: >- Optional. Delete also the input files of the workflow. required: false type: boolean - name: include_outputs in: query description: >- Optional. Delete also the output files of the workflow. required: false type: boolean responses: 200: description: >- Request succeeded. The workspace has been pruned. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string workflow_id: type: string workflow_name: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "The workspace has been correctly pruned.", "workflow_id": "cdcf48b1-c2f3-4693-8230-b066e088c6ac", "workflow_name": "mytest.1" } 400: description: >- Request failed. The incoming data specification seems malformed. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Malformed request." } 403: description: >- Request failed. User is not allowed to access workflow. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "User 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 is not allowed to access workflow 256b25f4-4cfb-4684-b7a8-73872ef455a1" } 404: description: >- Request failed. User does not exist. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Workflow cdcf48b1-c2f3-4693-8230-b066e088c6ac does not exist" } 500: description: >- Request failed. Internal controller error. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string examples: application/json: { "message": "Internal controller error." } """ try: which_to_keep = InOrOut.INPUTS_OUTPUTS if include_inputs: which_to_keep = InOrOut.OUTPUTS if include_outputs: which_to_keep = InOrOut.INPUTS if include_inputs: which_to_keep = InOrOut.NONE workflow = _get_workflow_with_uuid_or_name(workflow_id_or_name, str(user.id_)) deleter = Deleter(workflow) for file_or_dir in workspace.iterdir(deleter.workspace, ""): deleter.delete_files(which_to_keep, file_or_dir) response = { "message": "The workspace has been correctly pruned.", "workflow_id": workflow.id_, "workflow_name":, } return jsonify(response), 200 except HTTPError as e: logging.exception(str(e)) return jsonify(e.response.json()), e.response.status_code except ValueError as e: # In case of invalid workflow name / UUID logging.exception(str(e)) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 403 except Exception as e: logging.exception(str(e)) return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), 500